
**New Search and Rescue Base for Waterford City **

**New Search and Rescue Base for Waterford City ** Waterford Marine Search and Rescue is proud to announce the purchase of a 3 story, 6000 square feet unit located at the Park Road Business Park, adjacent to the River Suir in Waterford City. Waterford Marine Search and Rescue have been looking for a suitable unit for the last 5 years to locate a search and rescue base. Our mission, vision and commitment to the people of Waterford has come to fruition, and includes the following. Training room Search and rescue operations room Conference room Equipment storage area Canteen Showers and toilets Family liaison room Rest area Garage area for boats and vehicles The new base also comprises of a large parking area to the rear of the unit which will be able to accommodate all of our search and rescue vehicles and plenty of parking for volunteers and visitors. With thanks in no small way to the support of the people of Waterford and surrounding areas, we are delighted to have been able to fulfil our commitment and deliver on all of the above and more. The riverside property, which is the first of its kind in the city will serve as a permanent base of operations for our voluntary work in Waterford and surrounding counties. We would like to thank you, the public and businesses of Waterford City, County and South Kilkenny , for the continued support you have shown to Waterford Marine Search and Rescue. We expect our base to be open and ready to assist the community in the next few months but a final push for donations is needed. If any local businesses would like to contribute to the search and rescue base, or feel they can provide services to upgrade the new base they can contact Waterford Marine Search and Rescue through their website or their Facebook You can also text WMSAR to 50300 to make a donation of €4.


** Volunteers rescued a female from the River Suir***

*** Volunteers rescued a female from the River Suir at 9:30 p.m. this evening. *** While on exercise tonight, our rescue boat crew spotted a person in the water and immediately went to the person’s aid. The female had entered the river intending to take her life by suicide. The casualty was taken by our rescue boat to our base at Neptune Marina where we were promptly met by An Garda Síochána, Waterford Ambulance Service and Waterford City Fire Service. Thank you as always to Irish Coast Guard for coordinating the incident. Remember, you are not alone, there is help out there Samaritans: 116 123, Pieta House South East. ( Waterford City ): 051 858510 Aware: 1890 303 302, Childline: 1800 66 66 66 Teen-Line Ireland: 1800 833 634 #Waterford #Riversuir #Volunteers #Savinglives


*Male rescued from the River Suir**

**Male rescued from the River Suir** At approximately 2:00am whilst conducting our suicide prevention patrols along the quays, a male entered the water with the intention of ending his life through suicide by drowning. Patrol teams on land deployed throwbags to a male in the water. Our rescue boat was on scene with in seconds and recovered the male to the safety of the rescue boat. The Irish Coast Guard were alerted. Waterford Gardaí and the Waterford Ambulance Service were on scene in minuites.Great team work by all services involved. Thankfully this was a good outcome and we do hope the individual gets all the help they need. No one should feel like there is no one to talk to or that no one cares. We have a list of numbers here for anyone that feels that they or someone they know might need help. Samaritans: 116 123, Pieta House South East. ( Waterford City ): 051 858510 Aware: 1890 303 302, Childline: 1800 66 66 66 Teen-Line Ireland: 1800 833 634


Male rescued from the River Suir

**Male rescued from the River Suir** At approximately 2:00am whilst conducting our suicide prevention patrols along the quays, a male entered the water with the intention of ending his life through suicide by drowning. Patrol teams on land deployed throwbags to a male in the water. Our rescue boat was on scene with in seconds and recovered the male to the safety of the rescue boat. The Irish Coast Guard were alerted. Waterford Gardaí and the Waterford Ambulance Service were on scene in minuites.Great team work by all services involved. Thankfully this was a good outcome and we do hope the individual gets all the help they need. No one should feel like there is no one to talk to or that no one cares. We have a list of numbers here for anyone that feels that they or someone they know might need help. Samaritans: 116 123, Pieta House South East. ( Waterford City ): 051 858510 Aware: 1890 303 302, Childline: 1800 66 66 66 Teen-Line Ireland: 1800 833 634


Pieta House South East opens in Waterford City

We were delighted to attend the official opening of Pieta House South East tonight in Waterford City – VERY proud on behalf of the DIL committee to have been involved in the very start of this process. There have already been a number of clients seen since Monday – our people given hope, their families given support & relief – so thank you Pieta for becoming part of our community to help us in our darkest times. And thank you to EVERY one who’s ever walked, ran, sold plants, made CDs, rattled buckets in pubs, clubs, shopping centres, did fashion shows, coffee mornings, bag packs, hikes, cycles, or ANY thing to raise money for Pieta SouthEast – this is where your money has gone, and is already saving lives. So, now, more than ever, we need to continue these great events to ensure this service continues until the day it’s no longer needed. #savinglives


The Mighty River Suir Poc Fada 2016

The Mighty River Suir Poc Fada 2016 is a fundraiser in aid of Waterford Marine Search and Rescue and Pieta House South East. The challenge is for the competitors to try and puc a sliotar with a hurley over the mighty river Suir from a platform based in the Merchants Quay car park over the river Suir to the North Wharf, a distance of approximately 150 meters. We are hoping that all the hurling and camogie clubs in Waterford and Kilkenny turn out over the weekend to support this great event. We are hoping also to have the Waterford and Kilkenny Senior hurling teams joining us on one of the days to see which team can complete the challenge and take the title of champion of the MIGHT RIVER SUIR PUC FADA 2016, as well as meeting some great people and spreading the word IT’S OK NOT TO BE OK and help to try and beat the stigma around suicide and mental health. Maurice Shanahan and John Mullane have committed to supporting this great event. Venue: Merchants Quay car park Dates: 17th and 18th September 2016. Time: 10 am untill 6pm each day Price: €2 per sliotar or 3 for €5 Music and prizes on the day A platform will be erected by Mullally scaffolding in the Merchants Quay car park (behind the Bus Station) It will be the same height as the glass wall where you will be able to try your best to hit a sliotar across the mighty river Suir. We will also have floating marks in the water for competitors to try and hit a sliotar into and a close one for the little people. We will have a table set up at the platform where you can purchase you sliotar , we will also provide hurley’s on the day or bring your own but you must use the Mighty river Suir poc fada sliotars only. Waterford Marine Search and Rescue will have a boat on the water at all times for safety cover and to recover the sliotars from the water. We will have stewards in the car park looking after the public at all times. A big thanks to our sponsors Waterford Port Company Mullally Scaffolding Remax Ireland Urma Sports and many more to follow More information please contact Declan Barry 086032181


**Call Out – 07/08/16 At 05:50 am**

***Call Out – 07/08/16 At 05:50 am*** Waterford Gardaí intervene with a male attempting to enter the River Suir to end his life by suicide by drowning. Waterford Marine Search and Rescue, launched our rescue boat to assist Waterford Gardaí with an incident on Rice Bridge in the early hours of this morning. Crews were on scene with in minutes as members from Waterford Garda Station spoke to the male who was over the railings on Rice Bridge with the intention of entering the water. Waterford Gardaí safely talked the male back over the railings to safety. Our rescue boat and land team returned to base and were stood down. Also on scene were Waterford City Fire Service , WCRR, An Garda Síochána, Waterford Ambulance Service and coordinated by Irish Coast Guard. Great result for all involved and lets hope the male will get the help he needs.


“A stolen ring buoy ~ a stolen life”.

Volunteers spent the day recovering ring buoys that were maliciously discarded along our City’s quays. Remember, interfering with life saving equipment is a criminal offence. Please report any such activity to Waterford Garda Station on 051-305300. “A stolen ring buoy ~ a stolen life”.